Well worth the money. Almost everyone at my very large tech company with an iPhone has it. We get conference all numbers in all sorts of imaginative formats. Apple iPhone people use ",". Blackberry people use "x.". Those that are at a desk, like admins, use "pc.", "passcode", "code", or 99 other derivations. There is no limit to the imagination of how and where to put the numbers. It even allows me to add a "#" sign after the number if the sender didnt include it. The ony flaw is if I have 2 identical duration appointments, I cant seem to get to first one. While this sounds stupid that I have 2 identical 1 hour calls, it is fact that one may go short or I may drop and spend a half hour with one and then another half hour with the next one or sometimes one is accepted and the other is tenative. Regardless, I need to be able to get into ApptDialer app the contents from as many calls as I have during the day. Maybe a list view format would get pass this issue. For now, Ill either delete one or go get piece of paper (yuck!). Overall, if you do a lot of conference calls and not everyone puts the numbers in perfect with all the right characters, you need this app. And of course, none of you are dialing the call while you are driving. The app does make it a little less risky, but do be careful. People I love are out there, too.